Thursday, September 21, 2017

Nearpod in the Elementary Classroom- All Subjects All Grades

1.  NEARPOD-  Nearpod lessons can be shortened by editing the presentation before using it with your class.  You'll notice that in many of the lesson plans (written by fellow Pennridge teachers), there are suggested slides to delete.  This will help to ensure your Nearpod lessons are 1-2 periods in length.  Of course, you should also use your professional judgement when editing/deleting slides, as you know your kids best.  

2.  Although you can create your own Nearpod Presentations, there are TONS of free Nearpod lessons in all subject areas already posted.  In the district library, you'll find a list of suggested lessons (composed by Pennridge teachers) to help get you started, but you can search any subject at any time.  I recommend setting your filter so that only free lessons will show!  New this year- There are SEL Nearpods that you can use with our SEL curriculum.  They are meant to be used as an introduction to the TAKES PRIDE Word of the Month, and can be found on the District Library, as well.  (Simply Log in to Nearpod, click on Explore, and Select District Library to find the lessons for your grade level).
3.  Although Nearpod can be used on both the iPads and the laptops/desktop computers, I would recommend sticking to iPads for K-2 (maybe beginning of 3rd) and laptops/desktops with grades 3-5, if possible.  The reason behind this is that students are often asked to draw their responses in the primary grades, and it's much easier to use the drawings tools on the iPads.

Already comfortable with Nearpod?  Have you seen the new Collaborate Feature (Similar to Padlet in Nearpod)?  And of course, the not-so-new Draw-It Feature.  How about how they've made it easier to use PDF's in your presentation and to upload files from your Google Drive?  Check out the Nearpod Blog here and read about some of the new features!

Finally,  I would love to teach your first few Nearpod lessons for you. You could use that time to conduct F + P's, assess in other ways, or co-teach with me, so that you also feel more comfortable with the features of Nearpod!

*If you are new to the district and are in need of a Nearpod account, please contact me at at any time!