1. iPad Case Directions
As the Instructional Technology Department distributes cases for the teacher i-Pads, please see the attached directions for a a short overview and diagram as to how these cases are attached to your iPads.
2. Splashmath Single Sign On
Please see the attached directions for a few short steps on how to make your Splashmath class work with PSD Key and create a single sign on for your students.
Once you have made these changes, please make sure everyone has the "Splashmath - Pennridge ID" app on their PSD Key Dashboard.
3. Seesaw Tip: The Power of Three...
Did you know you can edit items after students submit in
Seesaw. This is helpful to rotate a picture (if they forgot to), or to
fix a mistake if a student put their work in the wrong student's journal or the
wrong folder in your class. This is also where you can move items into
folders if you haven't been using folders yet this year.
To see this menu, click on the three dots on the right hand side of the post, and choose the option that best fits your need. We hope this helps!
To see this menu, click on the three dots on the right hand side of the post, and choose the option that best fits your need. We hope this helps!