1. Seesaw Tricks
Chris and I are fans of Seesaw, and we encourage all teachers to use this amazing digital student portfolio if you are not already doing so. A huge benefit to Seesaw is that it can be done on any iOS or Android device, or any computer with internet connection! We love seeing all the ways different classrooms are using this tool! Here are some tips to think about!
Sharing a Welcome Post to students or families?
- If so, you will want to post to the "Student Journal" in Seesaw if the students/families are not yet connected. If you select Announcement, only students/families that are already signed-in will see the announcement. Once everyone is signed in, then the Announcement feature is the way to go!
Seesaw Translates for up to 55 languages!
- If a note, caption, comment, announcement, or message is written in a language that is different from the language of a family's or teacher's device, a "See Translation" option appears below the post. Tap that button, and Seesaw automatically translates any text into your native language. Note: Students do not have access to this feature. Please view this video if you have families in your class who would benefit from this amazing feature.
- "TAG"- To get some ideas on how to encourage parents and students to make positive (and helpful) comments on work, please see the images!
- Follow Seesaw on Twitter @Seesaw or follow "Seesaw Teachers" on Facebook for tons of ideas and tips/tricks from other teachers around the world. In addition, for most any tutorial made by Seesaw, search on Youtube or view their "PD in our PJs" live webinars or recorded tutorials!
Our 2nd Annual Seesaw Social is scheduled for Saturday, October 6th from 9:30-10:30AM at the PHS Library. Please save the date. More info coming!2. EPIC! Books
If you haven't signed up yet for EPIC!, we encourage you to do so. After signing up, you can print the Epic! Readerpillar and hang it up in your classroom. As your students reach reading goals throughout the year, EPIC will email you special badges to add to it
You can also add your own reading rewards – extended recess time, an in-class movie day, pajama day, or playing a favorite class game!