Thursday, October 17, 2019

Teacher iPads

Teacher iPads and PSD Key Access

We hope that the new iPads have been helpful in your classrooms and will be an asset to your teaching for years to come.  This weeks Thursday Three focuses on some items that hopefully will make this experience even stronger for our teachers.

Mirroring, PSD Key Quick Cards, and OneDrive Photo Syncing Tutorials - Three new tools were added recently to the iPads that have been covered in Professional Development sessions.  Below is a short description of their purpose and a linked tutorial connected to these resources.

Image result for mirroring 360 ios
Mirror 360
- Allows for your iPad screen to be projected.

Image result for Classlink IOs
PSD Key Quick Cards
- Provides for a QR sign in to PSD Key rather than typing in their username and password.

Image result for OneDrive IOs
OneDrive Photo Syncing - Automatically sends photos from your iPad to your computer for easier printing and file sharing.

2. Sending Home PSD Key Quick Cards and Letters - As previously stated, Quickcards and parent letters go home with students today!

3. Seesaw on an iPad - When using Seesaw on an iPad, please use the app instead of going through PSD Key because of the robust features the app has available.