PowerPoint has a hidden "gem" that will help you create some fantastic variety within your slideshow. In PowerPoint, cue up a slide that has some content on it, perhaps some with both text and at least an image. Then, click on the "Design" tab and look all the way to the right for "Design Ideas." After choosing this icon, PowerPoint will automatically create some unique and beautiful combinations for the content on that slide.
2. PSD Key "Trick"
If you use multiple tabs, you may easily lose your original tab opened for PSD Key. To get back to your PSD Key in ANY tab, use the home button, as shown below!
3. Computer Science Week- Dec. 9-13th
Each picture includes a link to an activity you can do at any time! Click the link below! |
The Hour of Code started as a 1-hour introduction to computer science to show that anybody can learn the basics (even Kindergartners and First Graders), and to broaden participation in the field of computer science. It has become a worldwide effort to celebrate computer science, starting with 1-hour coding activities but expanding to all sorts of community efforts.
We hope you'll pick 1 hour in the month of December to give this a try, and we hope to see many teachers expand their knowledge during the 2019 Computer Science Education Week which will be December 9-13.