Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Google Tourbuilder, VPN, Snipping Tool Delay Button

Global Collaboration

For the month of October, we will focus on the "Global Collaborator" and we will focus on tools that provide students with the opportunity to engage with people and places outside of their own community. 

1.  Google Tour Builder

One of the best ways for your students to experience a new place is to take them on a virtual field trip, and Google Tour Builder is the perfect application to create your own trip that will help bring your ideas to life.  Think of Google Tour Builder as a combination of a slideshow presentation and a tour of Google Earth, allowing you to add text, images, links, and even video on one side of the presentation, coupled with a Google Earth interactive view on the other.  The software is really easy to use, which allows students to do their own presentations and share out with the class.  Check out this tutorial for the basics.

2. Benefits of the VPN

Whenever using your laptop outside of the district, please consider connecting to the VPN while working (please see a tutorial on how to connect to the VPN here.)  When you are connected to the VPN, you will be able to use any of the functions of your machine just as if you are at school, such as:
  • Accessing the U: Drive
  • Using Microsoft Outlook, including sending e-mails, managing your calendar, and viewing your to-do lists.
  • Using the Follow Me Printers, including the ability to print the night before and release the document right when you walk in the building the next morning.

3.  Snipping on a Delay
Image result for snipping tool delay
We have talked about the snipping tool before, but a new feature of the tool includes a delay, which is handy for capturing items that require a click.  Simply click "Delay" and choose the amount of seconds you would like to wait.  Then, choose "New" and cue up what you want to capture.  The snipping tool with automatically capture the screen after the amount of time you have chosen has passed.

Office 365 Subscription E-Mails
Please ignore any e-mails you might receive regarding your Pennridge Office 365 teacher and student subscription.  Bucks County IU, whom we negotiate our subscription renewal process, is finalizing our contract with Microsoft.  Office 365 will not be interrupted or canceled during this process, so please continue to use Office 365 as you normally would.  As always please contact Chris or Erin for help or suggestions regarding Microsoft applications!