Happy February!
This week's blog focuses on February events with STEM challenges that you can do with your students that require little or NO technology!!
1. STEM Challenge #1 -Candy Heart Challenges
2. STEM Challenge #2- 100th Day 2D and 3D Designs
Have your students create designs and buildings using materials you have in your classroom. Students receive 100 of a certain building material to plan, create, and perhaps work together to build. Suggestions:
Pattern blocks or LEGOS (Add some math components with these simple activities)
Base 10 blocks
PomPoms or Cotton BallsButtons
Play Money- coins and bills
Snap Cubes
Once completed, have them snap a picture and share on Seesaw or create a 100th day slideshow!
3. President Macaroni Monument Design Challenge
A monument is a statue, building, or other structure built to commemorate a famous or notable person or event!
In honor of this special month, have students design a monument in honor of their favorite president or another special person in history. Maybe it will be the Washington Monument or the Lincoln Memorial?
Using macaroni is one option, but you can also have students bring various materials from home or use the materials you already have in your classroom such as tongue depressors, note cards, pattern blocks, pipe cleaners, marshmallows, Playdoh, etc.
When done, have your students reflect using paper or pencil, or FlipGrid and/or Seesaw!