This week we are reviewing some important topics!
1. Seesaw- Private Teacher Folder

As you prepare for parent-teacher conferences, please remember you have a private teacher folder! This folder is for ONLY you to see. For teachers who are having students create a marking period reflection or a message to parents for Parent Teacher conferences, this folder is the perfect place to "hide" the post. After conferences, simply move the post into another folder. Or, if you'd prefer to always keep the item private, leave those items there!
*To add something to the Private folder, when approving the post, simply click on the 3 dots and choose Private folder.
2. iPad Case Directions
As the Instructional Technology Department distributes cases for the teacher i-Pads, please see the attached directions for a a short overview and diagram as to how these cases are attached to your iPads.
3. Splashmath Single Sign On

Please see the attached directions for a few short steps on how to make your Splashmath class work with PSD Key and create a single sign on for your students.
Once you have made these changes, please make sure everyone has the "Splashmath - Pennridge ID" app on their PSD Key Dashboard.